Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Our yearly ritual

For the past 3 years our great friends, Davy and Ellen, have invited us to Rockport to do a little relaxing on the beach, fishing, dominos playing and of course eating. This year was no different. We loved the people, the waves (or lack there of), the sun and the house. The time away is something we cherish once we come home and get into the usual routine again. Here are a few pics from our Labor Day weekend...

Mom and her sweet baby girl

Jackson's daily nap on the beach... tough life. (Emerson took this picture- not bad.)

Dad and his crew

Men are just born this way... he was a natural!

I am pretty sure Jackson ate a few shells and plenty of sand.


LauraHough said...

From what I can tell from reading your blog, I think Emerson and Beckham would get along great! "Meticulous" was a great word to describe how he plays too! Becks didn't get a laid back ounce to him though (we aren't sure how that happened!!). Y'all's kids are just too stinkin' cute!! I love them!!

Kelly said...

I'm so happy your blogging again! Welcome back!

The Groves Family said...

Yummmmm!!!! Sand!!!